
Winter Work

Winter is really getting going here at Steppe. We had some snow a little earlier in the month, it gave everything a great winter feel. The sun came out these last two days and kind of took care of that though. I have got to say that I am a little sad to see it go.

I just had a great day in the cellar today. Our 2009 Reds finished Malolactic Fermentation a bit ago and are coming along nicely, according to Anke (our winemaker). I will post an update when we get around to racking them. Just got ready for some cellar work that will be taking place tomorrow, cleaned hoses and a tank, mixed some claryfing agent up and organized the cellar today. It was nice to get back to it after the winter break. We will be starting to fine the 2009 Riesling on Thursday. We will mix a clay like mixture into the wine to help clarify it, should be fun.