
1st Week of March

It has been a beautiful week in the Yakima Valley, but we are promised some cool and rainy weather this week. Just wanted to show everyone what growth has been like this week.
The grapes still look about the same, but the alfalfa and triticale are growing. - Nothing super exciting yet, but still is fun to watch it now in early spring and see how it takes off as the months pass. The distinct rows in the triticale field are becoming less distinct. (The corn stubble you see is due to our minimum tillage methods that help the soil) I am including some pictures from Mike and Gabrielle's farm (Redtail Orchards) too. Their cherries have gone past the first swelling and are into the "green tip stage." The other picture of a bud is from their apple orchard. The apples are quite a bit behind the cherries and in the picture you can just see the silver tip.

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